Saturday, October 23, 2010

Seeing the real me...

It's Saturday morning and I am starting to rise out of my slumber...(I've been out of bed for 2 and 1/2 hours now). I was opening the blinds...but not the curtains...and a thought came to me. I want to be able to see out but I don't want people to be able to see in. Now, those of you who know the real me know why this is. Then I thought to myself, how can this apply to my spiritual life? Sometimes this can't be the case in my spiritual life. In order for us to be used by God and receive His many blessings...we have to let the real us be seen...and that's why it is so important to be real...not two-faced...not a fake...not a hypocrite...but real...who God made us to be and wants us to be. Now...I don't like letting people see the real me...I wouldn't say that I am any of the above (some may disagree but oh well) but I don't want people seeing my weaknesses. That's another part of it too. It's okay to let your weaknesses be I'm not saying run and tell the whole world all your problems...but we can't walk around like we are perfect and we live perfect lives. We are humans and we make mistakes and we deal with problems and we enjoy the good things in life...BUT He is real and He wants to be the center of our lives.

Just had this thought and wanted to share...If you don't agree or don't like it...oh well...This is me and who I am...and I love my Savior!


Rhonda said...

Well said sister:o) Most of us struggle with being "seen". We often forget it is Jesus perfecting us that draws people to Him, not us being perfect.Open those curtains!

Joe said...

Good word!

Rebecca said...

great post sister!! awesome - and yes, it is hard

but i'm with rhonda - let's open us some curtains!!!