Friday, February 19, 2010

Yea Friday!

YEA!!!! It's Friday! You may be thinking "What does she care what day it is...she gets to stay home everyday!" True. True. BUT Friday means the weekend is near and I get to sleep more because hubby will be home and HE can wake up in the middle of the night and feed Baby least one time. The other times I have to wake up because he doesn't have the "equipment" to feed her.

Some thoughts for Friday...

You know you are a mom when you take a drink of your heavily sugared up coffee and think "man my creamer smells soured". But then realize it's not the creamer. It's you and the dried spit-up that your daughter left all over you and the bed in the middle of the night and you were too tired to clean it up!

Peyton's idea of a quick diaper, clean clothes, teeth brushed, hair wetted (I'm sure that's not a word!) down with mommy's spray-in conditioner and fixed with daddy's gel, and a nice big squirt of daddy's cologne. Oh's Friday!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Rebecca said...

very true - you also know you're a mom when you are the only one in the house not allowed to get sick :)

and your son talks of the days when you 'were a lot skinnier.'

oh, and when you kids squeal with delight when they hear that you are going out of town for the night

mommy-hood - there is nothing quite like it

and please tell me you actually showered after you smelled yourself

Rhonda said...

Next time chunk Peyton in the shower with you - 2 for one dude!