Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Is this the life for me???

So I have always said that I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom...my mind may be changing...quickly! The past two days I have been at home with both kids. Granted I love both of them very much but I think I have spanked my 2-year-old more in the past two days than in his whole life. Now I have not beat him...you non-spanking believers. But I have disciplined him. How many times and how many ways can you say "get out of the trash", "do not eat stuff that was in the trash" or "quick digging in the trash". Like I said, I love my children more than anything but I think the three months during the summer are stay-at-home-enough for me...I think.

I will try to get a picture of baby girl smiling...it is hard to make a 3-week old smile though.


Rhonda said...

a million!

Rebecca said...

sean would love this - when he first starting staying home, he was like "stay at home moms are some of the hardest working people!!!" it was really funny - remember that your little man is 2, and they don't call them 'terrible twos' for nothing!!! and you just had a baby, so your hormones are a little off

love you

Alyssa Hawkins Images said...

You admire stay at home moms and I admire working moms. I stay at home with the girls and love it. I couldn't imagine trying to cook dinner, laundry, baths, kids and life into the few hours after work. Kuddos to you!!!