Friday, August 21, 2009

Baby Report

I had my 4-month check-up yesterday for me and new baby. Really good report except some shocking (but good) news. Only gained just under three pounds, good blood pressure, great heartrate (147), and baby is already moving around. However, when the doctor came in to measure my belly, the first words out of his mouth were "Whoa, this is a big baby. It is grwoing fast!" He then proceeded to ask if I had any swelling, which no I don't unless I get really hot, and if I had any pain...YES! My back already hurts as does my pelvic bone. Obviously, this makes sense to him since the baby is growing fast. After he sat down, he pulled out his little calendar and starting looking. Now let me tell you doctor is notorious for sitting in his chair looking at things (paperwork, etc) without telling you what he is looking for or why. So I asked him if I was on schedule. He said "oh yes, you are on schedule...maybe even a little ahead." Needless to say, it was a great report. We go September 4th to find out what it is...yes, we are telling...but not telling the name (hehe). Then my next appt will be two weeks after that.

Back to work I go! Only 3 more days til the rugrats come back. Lord, prepare me now.


Rebecca said...

Praise the Lord for the good report!! and just remember those rugrats were someone else's little baby bump at one time!! they grow up fast!

love you

Rhonda said...

Good job! Has the doc seen Chuckie? It is gonna be a big baby. No offense to Chuckie - he is just not a shorty. So not missing the rugrats! Love you!